Christie’s continues to be committed to the protection of the private and personal information of our Clients as addressed in this Privacy Policy. To the best of our knowledge, our policy complies with the requirements of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act of Canada. The Privacy Policy outlines our assurance to respect and protect our Clients’ personal information. We want to ensure that our Clients know the purpose for which this information is being collected, to whom this information may be disclosed, how the confidentiality of this information is protected, the steps needed to find out what personal information is recorded, and for how long we will retain this information.

CHRISTIE’S Accountability

Christie’s is responsible for our Clients’ personal information under our control. We have appointed a Privacy Officer who is accountable for Christie’s compliance to this Privacy Policy. Our information is protected by appropriate safeguards through technological measures such as passwords and/or encryption.

Purpose for Information Collection

Christie’s makes every reasonable effort to make sure that an individual understands how her or his personal information will be used. Personal information is the information that relates to our Clients and their company, that identifies an individual as a Client of Christie’s, and that allows us to provide services and information directly to our Clients.

We ask for personal information so that we can:

Better understand and meet our Clients needs; and

Inform our Clients about our Client benefits and services, or those of partners, that we believe may be of interest to them.

An individual agrees to receive regular communications that will include offers from us as well as participating sponsors. From time to time, sponsors may also send separate communications to our Clients.

Christie’s may use names and addresses for general mailing purposes. We believe our Clients would also expect us to contact them to advise them of new and existing services that may be of interest to them. From time to time, we will inform our Clients of such services via direct marketing. Direct marketing material is usually delivered to them by mail, telephone or electronic means. A Client may choose not to receive these offers and have their name deleted from our mailing lists.

The individual also authorizes Christie’s to send personalized messages from time to time as well as our eBulletin and fax. These messages contain information about services offered by Christie’s and its partners that we think may be of interest to our Clients.


An individual’s knowledge and consent are necessary for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. We only collect, use, or disclose personal information for purposes we believe would be considered appropriate under the circumstances.

Of course, an individual may choose to only provide us with some or portions of their personal information. However, this choice may not enable us to provide them with the product, service, or information that has been requested or that could be offered to them.

Third-Party Disclosure

The names, addresses and telephone numbers of our Clients may be transmitted to a trusted third-party mailing service in order to inform them of products and services that we offer and that we believe may interest to them.

Except as set out in this policy, or as required by law, Christie’s does not sell any personal information to any other organization and Christie’s will not transmit personal information to third parties without first obtaining written consent to do so. Christie’s may, however, disclose information in the following cases:

to our lawyer;

to a police force, if required by law;

to a person authorized by a law or collective agreement;

to a government agency which can oblige us to do so;

in emergency situations in which the life, health or safety of a customer is in danger;

to all other persons authorized by law;

to an authorized contractor providing service to the individual;

to another person for the development, enhancement, marketing or provision of any of Christie’s products or services on our behalf that we believe may be of interest to our Clients;

to an agent retained by Christie’s in connection with the collection of the Clients’ account;

to credit grantors and reporting agencies;

to a person who, in the reasonable judgment of Christie’s, is seeking information as our Clients’ agent; or

a third party or parties, where the Client consents to such disclosure.

Collection of Information

We only collect the information that we need in order to deliver services and information to our Clients. We do not use techniques to collect personal information about individuals without their knowledge. We do not use or disclose personal information for any purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with their consent or as required by law.

Information Retention

Christie’s retains information only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of services to its Clients and accordingly to legal requirement.

Christie’s Responsibilities

Each of our employees is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all personal information to which they have access. Our employees are kept informed about our policies and procedures for protecting personal information.

Policies & Practices

We will make our complete policies and practices relating to the management of personal information readily available to our Clients.

Clients’ Access to the Information

Upon request in writing, a Client will be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of personal information and will be given access to that information. We will assist any Client who informs us that they need assistance in preparing a request concerning personal information. Clients may challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.


The information listed is believed to be accurate, complete and current when posted, but Christie’s cannot guarantee that it will remain accurate or complete or that it will be current at all times. We will keep information as up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used. If a Client wishes to review or verify the personal information in their file or find out to whom we have disclosed it, they can do so by writing to us at the following address.

As well, any other questions about the Christie’s handling of personal information should be directed to the Privacy Officer.

Christie’s Privacy Officer

9 Trout Lake Rd.

Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 5K7

or fax us at 705-777-2367

or e-mail us at [email protected]

Christie’s promises to reply to a request for information within thirty (30) days.


Clients may ask to delete or correct any information contained in their file. The request for correction must be made by writing to us, either by mail at the above-mentioned mailing address, or by fax at the above-mentioned number, or by e-mail at the above-mentioned e-mail address. Christie’s has thirty (30) days to reply.

Other Internet Related Policies

When Clients visit without registering or otherwise interacting with the site, personal information and e-mail addresses are not recorded.

Christie’s provides a number of services via To access these services, Christie’s may require Clients to identify themselves or provide personal information. We use the information provided to help us serve our Clients better. We will require personal information when Clients take part in surveys, or request information on the products and services offered by Christie’s.

This policy discloses the privacy practices for our Web site. However, our site contains links to other sites. Once an individual links to another site, viewers are subject to the privacy and security policies of the new site. We encourage everyone to read the Privacy Policies of all Web sites visited, especially when sharing any personal information. This statement addresses the privacy policy of Christie’s Camper Sales Limited. Christie’s Camper Sales Limited (Christie’s) is a Recreational Vehicle Dealer.

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